Healthy Man
Pycnogenol and omega-3s boost men’s health Pycnogenol improved ED Men with erectile dysfunction (ED) often have other health issues, such...
Be Younger, Feel Better
Selenium increases telomeres, chili boosts metabolism Selenium increases telomere length During their lifespan, cells divide and...
Probiotics calm and heal the digestive systems Probiotics reduced H. pylori About half the world’s population carries the H. pylori...
Daily D and Calcium for Bones
This review of 28 studies covering over 120,000 people found those who combined 800 IU of vitamin D per day along with 1,000 to 1,200 mg...
Brain Health
Antioxidants, Alzheimer’s disease, memory, and attention Flavonols lower chances for AD The green, orange, red, and yellow pigments in...
Lemon Balm for Postpartum - Herb from the mint family eases pain
Improves quality of life after childbirth Natural childbirth comes with painful postpartum contractions in eight out of 10 women, and can...
Liver & Kidney
Vegetable compound and vitamin E aid liver and Kidney Indole improves fatty liver Indole is an anti-inflammatory compound in cruciferous...