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7 Tips for Managing Holiday Stress!

7 Steps to Overcome Holiday Stress and Learn to Create a New You!

Don't forget your B Vitamins this Time of Year. At Green's Nutrition we have a large selection of natural, herbal choices to boost your immune system and support your nervous system during this busy time of year.

Also, Taking a Mental Time Out can help you manage the stress and hustle bustle of the holiday season. Meditation is a quiet state of mind and body that will help you tone down busy thoughts and negative mind chatter. During the relaxed state of meditation you have the opportunity to drop in thoughts of gratitude, or a powerful affirmation to keep your mind focused on joy and help you feel better and more in control of your emotions.

No matter how you celebrate, or even if you don’t, you can feel the hyped up energy in the air. Advertisers and media are constantly sending out messages to buy, buy, buy and push our emotional buttons, which can make us feel like we’re not good enough if we don’t buy the perfect gift or spend too much money.

For those of us who do celebrate and want to acknowledge all the wonderful people in our lives, attend office parties and drop by at friends and neighbors, this time of year can add on the challenge of getting everything done, on top of our already busy schedules. The pressure can be palpable and I say…STOP!!! Don’t buy into the madness…it’s more important to take very good care of yourself.

It can be difficult to find time for relaxation and self-care. Ever feel like that?

Finding time to recharge your energy, quiet your mind and even exercise is the best way to manage holiday stress and you may actually find you get more done.

Here are my 7 Tips to Make this the best season ever.

  1. Meditation ~ a wonderful way to quiet your mind and drop in some positive new thoughts that are empowering and positive. It’s as easy as taking a few deep breaths, becoming fully present with your breath and your center, then dropping in an affirmation. Affirmations used during meditation may help to create new thought patterns and beliefs.

  2. Exercise ~ Make sure you get in 30 minutes of stretching, cardio or even weight lifting each day…releases endorphins, burns off excess energy from your nervous system and helps you feel more energized and relaxed during the busy~ness.

  3. Cut back on your coffee and alcohol intake. Stimulants like coffee and depressants such as alcohol add more stress to your nervous system and make it difficult to recharge during sleep and rest times. Coffee and alcohol both create an energy of busy thinking, the sort of thoughts that go no~where and leave you feel exhausted.

  4. Drink Water ~ Hydrating your system is just as important during these cold weeks as it is during the hot summer. When we’re so busy at work, trying to finish projects, shopping, cooking, parties, decorating, it’s easy to forget to hydrate. So be sure to drink plenty of water. I suggest keeping a large, ½ gallon size bottle of filtered or electrolyte water near you at all times and make a point to finish it off before you leave your office each day. You’ll know for sure you remembered to drink enough water. If you’re in a really cold environment, drink 2.

  5. Make a list. Sit down and write down everyone you feel you need to buy for or acknowledge in some way. Write down your budget and be honest with yourself. Categorize and prioritize. For some of your friends, loved ones or office partners, a sweet hand-written card and a small holiday token or ornament may be perfect, while a more expensive gift is for that special someone in your life or your kids.

  6. Plan your shopping trips during off times, like 6pm when everyone’s home eating dinner or when stores open early.

  7. Remember the reason for the season. Regardless what spiritual tradition you follow, this time of year is for remembering what’s important, reflecting on what we’ve accomplished, spending quality time with loved-ones and expressing gratitude for our abundance.

Come by and See us at Green's Nutrition for a Wellness Consultation. Our Friendly staff will guide you through our large selection of Wellness Products.

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