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Liver & Kidney

Vegetable compound and vitamin E aid liver and Kidney

Indole improves fatty liver

Indole is an anti-inflammatory compound in cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) develops when diets have too many unhealthy fats and sugars. In one study, doctors measured indole levels in 137 people and found those who were clinically obese had lower indole levels and higher fat deposits in the liver compared to healthy-weight participants.

In a separate lab study, indole significantly decreased fat accumulation and inflammation in the liver. And in a cell study, indole reduced the amount of fat in liver cells, and also acted on intestinal cells, which sent out anti-inflammatory signals to the body.

Discussing the findings, doctors said indole exists in gut bacteria, and the link between the gut and liver suggests a promising dietary approach to treating or preventing NAFLD.

Reference: AASLD Hepatology; 2020, 31115, Published Online

Vitamin E improves diabetic kidney function

Chronic high blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes contribute to kidney dysfunction. In this multicenter study, 54 participants with type 2 diabetes and elevated long-term average blood sugar levels (HbA1c, or A1C) took a placebo or 200 mg of tocotrienol-rich vitamin E.

After 12 weeks, those taking vitamin E saw a significant decrease in creatine levels, and an increase in creatine filtering through the kidney—meaning improved kidney function—while the placebo group deteriorated in these two measures.

Doctors followed participants six to nine months after the treatment period and found creatine levels remained stable in the vitamin E group while fluctuating 13 times more for placebo.

Reference: Biomolecules; 2020, Vol. 10, No. 1, 3390

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