Vitamin E delta-tocotrienol and vitamin C improved metabolism

Delta-tocotrienol vitamin E improved NAFLD
When fat builds up in the liver for reasons other than alcohol, such as obesity, it is called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In this study, 71 people with NAFLD took a placebo or 300 mg of delta-tocotrienol twice per day.
After 24 weeks, while the placebo group had not significantly improved, those taking delta-tocotrienol saw a 15 percent decrease in both fatty liver index scores and insulin resistance. A hormone, adiponectin, which helps regulate glucose levels, increased 44 percent, while another pro-inflammatory hormone, leptin, decreased 18 percent.
Body mass index scores decreased by an average of 2.4 in the delta-tocotrienol group, and waist circumference shrank by an average 1.1 inches. Doctors concluded delta-tocotrienol may be an effective therapy for treating NAFLD.
Reference: Complementary Therapies in Medicine; August, 2020, 102494
Vitamin C may prevent metabolic syndrome
Inflammation and oxidative stress are two factors in metabolic syndrome (MetS) that can trigger each other. In this review of 26 vitamin C human trials, doctors found consistent evidence the powerful antioxidant may help prevent MetS.
In one study of 22,671 adults, those with MetS consumed an average of 7 percent less vitamin C per day, while those with high vitamin C diets had smaller waist sizes and lower triglycerides.
In another study, those who regularly consumed 100-percent fruit juice drinks had lower body-mass index (BMI) scores, lower fasting and long-term average glucose levels, and smaller waist sizes. Four other studies linked higher vitamin C levels to lower BMI scores, lower blood pressure, and reduced chances for MetS.
Reference: International Journal of Medical Sciences; 2020, Vol. 17, No. 11, 1625-38