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Black cohosh and rhodiola improved menopause

Physical, psychological, quality of life improvements

In this study, 220 women, average age 52, with menopausal symptoms, took black cohosh by itself at a low or high dose, black cohosh with rhodiola, or a placebo.

After 12 weeks, compared to all other groups, women taking the black cohosh with rhodiola reported the most relief—averaging about 70 percent reductions—from hot flashes, joint pain, genital and general physical symptoms; and a 25 percent improvement in quality-of-life measurements, including social and emotional symptoms.

Discussing the findings, doctors said the menopausal transition usually lasts about seven years, and that black cohosh combined with rhodiola appeared to effectively reduce general physical, sexual and genital symptoms, and to improve emotional well-being, and that “Given the extended time women may experience the menopausal transition, reducing and improving symptoms with black cohosh and rhodiola in a relatively short 12 weeks is a promising outcome.”

Reference: Pharmaceuticals (Basel); 2020 May; 13(5): 102

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